
Update: As of March 2016, Xinyi classes on are indefinite hold. If you are seeking private lessons, please contact me at sixharmonyconsulting@gmail.com

Up and running...
As of September 2013, I have times (Wednesdays at 8 pm and Sundays at 4 pm) and a location (3-933 Ellery Street, Esquimalt, BC, V9A 4R9) for teaching Xinyiliuhequan ("Heart and Mind in Six Harmonies Boxing") - a rare and beautiful form of Chinese wushu (often called, more generally, "kung fu" in the West).

If you are interested in coming out and giving it a try, just let me know. I can be reached at: sixharmonyconsulting@gmail.com
Please explore my page and check out my blog postings on the "Learning Xinyi" tab.

Good starting places might be "Learn Kung Fu"

and "Six Reasons to Try Six Harmony" http://www.sixharmonyconsulting.com/2013/10/six-reasons-to-try-six-harmony.html

You may also find the more extensive "100 Days of Xinyi" entries of interest, as they trace some of my ongoing reflections on Xinyiliuhequan, martial arts, training - and applying martial arts to daily life. http://www.sixharmonyconsulting.com/p/100-days.html

People are always welcome to contact me regarding martial arts lessons, tea lessons, and/or individual and institutional wellness promotion and performance enhancement consultation.

All good things,


The privilege of learning from the late Grandmaster Yu Hua Long in Shanghai, 2003