Up and running...
As of September 2013, I have times (Wednesdays at 8 pm and Sundays at 4 pm) and a location (3-933 Ellery Street, Esquimalt, BC, V9A 4R9) for teaching Xinyiliuhequan ("Heart and Mind in Six Harmonies Boxing") - a rare and beautiful form of Chinese wushu (often called, more generally, "kung fu" in the West).
If you are interested in coming out and giving it a try, just let me know. I can be reached at: sixharmonyconsulting@gmail.com
Please explore my page and check out my blog postings on the "Learning Xinyi" tab. If you are interested in coming out and giving it a try, just let me know. I can be reached at: sixharmonyconsulting@gmail.com
Good starting places might be "Learn Kung Fu"
and "Six Reasons to Try Six Harmony" http://www.sixharmonyconsulting.com/2013/10/six-reasons-to-try-six-harmony.html
You may also find the more extensive "100 Days of Xinyi" entries of interest, as they trace some of my ongoing reflections on Xinyiliuhequan, martial arts, training - and applying martial arts to daily life. http://www.sixharmonyconsulting.com/p/100-days.html
People are always welcome to contact me regarding martial arts lessons, tea lessons, and/or individual and institutional wellness promotion and performance enhancement consultation.
All good things,